다들 이번 충격적인 사건을 지켜보며.
분노와 슬픔이 교차하는 걸 느끼리라고생각합니다

교환학생으로 국제평화와분쟁해결이라는 석사과정에
공부하러 와있는 지금 상황에서는 더욱. 현실이 안타깝고 뭐라 말로 표현하기 힘들 정도 입니다

아래 글은 학과 교수님이 받은 메일을 보내주신
건데요.. 여러분들도 읽어보세요

Dear Friends,
After some thought and talking with my colleagues at the peace center, I
think it is time for us to consider several things. As we react to the
crisis, our immediate reaction is revenge. We feel the need to reatiate and

punish the people who are responsible for such a disaster. The media has so

far as I have seen asked the questions 'Who is responsible?', 'What
happened?', 'Who died and what will it cost?',. No one is asking the
question 'Why did this happen?'.

Yes, solidarity is important. And domestic CNN is not showing, as far as i
have seen so far, the love and support we have been getting from other
European countries. Germany, especially, and Italy, have been extremely
supportive, placing flowers at our embassies and holding moments of silence
and saying 'today we are all Americans'. Euro-CNN had an interview with the

PM of Libya and he explained his reaction as well because he has family
between DC and NYC. So even he is affected by the attack. The European
Parliament and other EU offices shut down in fear of attack, and they also
are shocked and affected by the situation. Again, I am disappointed in CNN
for sharing facts about the case, when Colin Powell and others warned that
disemminating information about the investigation could potentially
jeopardize the case.

Instead of acting violently, and potentially accusing the wrong party, think

about doing the opposite. Think about the possibility of a peaceful
solution to this crisis. Encouraging more violence will only polarize the
world even further. An attack on terrorists will only perpetuate their
feelings against the US and the rest of the Western World. A war would not
ride the world of all terrorists and they will strike again because we will

never be able to disarm them all.

This was an event that will change our way of thinking for a very long time.

Accept change for what it is and allow this to be a growing experience to
adapt to a new situation where we can support eachother and not point
fingers. This is difficult, of course, but I ask you just to think about
it. Especially my university friends who have to face this world for even
longer and bring our future children into this world. Organize yourselves
to fight for peace in a nonviolent way. Otherwise, what is the point of
studying history and conflict resolution?

We learn from the past, but think what we can do and think about the future
and how to stop violence instead of perpetuating it. I don't want to return

home and face a war situation, and I hope that will not be the case. I
don't think you want a war either, and the good thing about a democracy is
that we have a voice. Speak out, write letters, and share your feelings and

fears about war. The only things I want are safety and peace.

I know this is another long email from me, and thank you for whoever read
the whole thing.

It's easy, when you're rich, to be generous and kind;
to be so when you're poor is proof of excellence.